Our Mission:
To empower and equip Christians for ministry worldwide.
Christopher and Karen Lewis
REV. CHRIS LEWIS is an international evangelist and church-planter with the Church of the Nazarene and missionary with Latino Missions Evangelism. Born in 1972, he has known Christ since he was a child and was part of a music ministry with his family for 18 years from the time he was six years old. He experienced a call to ministry at the age of 16 and first started preaching on his family’s radio program which was heard across America and East Africa from 1988 to 1996. He was also the main speaker for a radio program called “Nothing is Impossible” which was heard in America and the Philippines for two years. He has planted churches in Moodiesburn, Scotland and Puerto Peñasco, Mexico and also started works with Irish Traveller (Gypsies) in Leeds, England.
Chris has been involved in planting churches and training church planters since 1995 and has helped start many churches in Africa, Argentina, India and America.
Chris first got involved in church planting in Africa, where he has had the privilege of leading thousands of people to Christ. He has trained many church planters in Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi and the Congo and has helped launch dozens of Nazarene churches in that part of Africa. He also helped Dr. Daryll Stanton organize a new district in Eastern Kenya, and one of the churches he helped launch is now the largest Nazarene church in East Africa and has gone on to plant 290 daughter churches with a total of 13,000 people worshiping together every Sunday. The pastor of that church, Augustus Musili, has named his two children Lewis and Chris in his honor.
One of the highlights of Chris’ career as an evangelist was the day he had the privilege of preaching the Gospel to 30,000 people in India and seeing literally thousands saved in one night. Out of that crusade a number of vibrant churches were also started.
Chris married KAREN in 2009, and they have been serving the Lord together ever since. Karen was born in Scotland and is a vital part of the team as the couple shares Christ around the world.
During the recent Syrian refugee crisis in Europe, Chris and Karen worked in a refugee camp in Croatia. A lot of people, mostly Muslims, came to Christ, and now the Nazarene church in Zagreb, Croatia is filled with refugees who have settled there and are serving Christ together.
Currently, they are based in Saarbruecken, Germany, and they continue to reach out both locally and internationally with the love of Jesus Christ. During the recent coronavirus crisis, when so many have been in lockdown, Chris also started international online Bible studies and discipleship groups in English and Spanish. Participants in these groups join together at their computers across the USA and in Germany, Spain, Scotland, Jamaica, Uganda, South Sudan, Ethiopia, Kenya and Peru to worship God and grow together in Him. These groups continue to grow.
In everything they do, Chris and Karen hope to see people encounter Christ and grow in His grace. God is good!
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